Posts tagged restorative yoga
3 Powerful Yoga Practices for Better Sleep

There is nothing more frustrating than planning to go to bed early to finally get more hours of sleep, only to spend the next few hours tossing and turning. From thoughts that won't quiet down to aches and pains that pop up once you hit the sheets, there can be countless roadblocks to getting more and better sleep. Thankfully your yoga practice may help you get more rest! From falling asleep faster to staying asleep longer and sleeping deeper, yoga can be a game changer for all of this and more. Target your sleep goals with one or all three of these different types of yoga practices.

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How A Hardcore Workout Enthusiast Came to Love The Softer Side of Movement

John’s story begins like a surprising amount of our clients’ journeys to yoga: with relentless back pain. Back pain is not only a top reason people turn to yoga, but it’s also the second most common reason that people visit their doctor (the common cold is the most common reason).* We at Yoga Baum are extremely practiced in helping clients with back pain.

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