5 Ways Yoga Helps with Postpartum Recovery and Strengthening

From an unfamiliar bulge between your abdominal muscles to pelvic floor tension and weakness, there are a lot of obstacles to feeling strong again after giving birth. Bouncing back to your pre-baby body can feel not only challenging, but impossible. In fact, it’s empowering to instead embrace a “bounce forward” mindset to feel better and stronger than ever after pregnancy and birth. So what exactly is happening in your body postpartum and how can yoga help with the recovery and strengthening process?

  1. Pelvic Floor Strength and Control- Whether you had a vaginal birth or c-section, your pelvic floor may have tension and perhaps weakness after 9 months of carrying a baby. Connecting your body and breath during movements like bridge lifts and goddess squats can help strengthen your pelvic floor. On the flip side, it can be challenging to relax the pelvic floor postpartum, so body scan meditations and breathwork can help release tension in that area as well.

  2. Belly Bulge- Forget the number on the scale, the belly bulge you see postpartum likely has nothing to do with how much you gained or didn't gain during pregnancy and everything to do with the anatomical changes that occurred to help you carry your baby. In order to create space for that growing tiny person, the abdominal muscles separate, referred to as Diastatis Recti. While almost everyone has this separation to some extent during pregnancy, many people have a larger separation happen during the last few months that can persist months to years after birth. The best way to bring these core muscles back together is utilizing breathing techniques and deep core exercises that activate the transverse abdominals. Your yoga teacher will guide you through connecting your breath and body to strengthen these muscles.

  3. Back Pain- From hunching over nursing or bottle feeding to holding those ridiculously heavy car seats, you may notice pain in your neck and back. Classes like gentle and slow yoga can be particularly helpful, especially if you tell your instructor where exactly the discomfort is at the start of class.

  4. Hip Tension- Our hips hold so much tension during pregnancy and continue to remain tight in the months after. Hip opening poses like pigeon, child’s pose and happy baby can feel amazing during the postpartum months. Restorative yoga classes will support your recovering body with props like bolsters and blankets in relaxing variations of these poses.

  5. Stress and Anxiety Relief- The postpartum period can bring on physical, mental and emotional changes. Taking time for yourself seems impossible, but is essential during this time. Moving, breathing and slowing down can change the entire experience of the rest of your day and week.

Your Yoga Baum teacher can help answer any questions you have about postpartum yoga modifications and tips for stretches and breathwork practices to try at home. In addition to your yoga practice, please consult a pelvic floor physical therapist for any issues with Diastasis Recti and pelvic floor health. While yoga can help with anxiety and stress, you should also seek medical help immediately for any postpartum mood disorders such as postpartum anxiety, depression or OCD.

Looking for Postpartum Yoga in Louisville, KY? Reach out to us for recommendations for your postpartum yoga practice, or take a look at our schedule here. You can also check out our on-demand Pre + Postnatal Yoga Series.