How to Practice Yoga in a Mask

How to Practice Yoga in a Mask

Have you practiced yoga in a mask yet? It’s no big deal! Of course any sort of change to our routine and our comfort is hard to wrap our heads around at first, but luckily our yoga practice gives us the tools to deal with change with grace.

Since some of the main reasons students practice yoga are to feel better and make a positive impact on our bodies and the world, wearing a mask is important to keep everyone safe.

Will it feel different? Yes. Can you do it? Yes.

How to Practice Yoga in a Mask

Choose a mask that fits your face shape well and is made of a breathable material.

Disposable, non-surgical masks are really breathable. If you have access to these, we have found these to be a very breathable option.

Cloth masks made of thinner cotton, chiffon, and silk, are another great option! They are reusable, which helps the environment and they are a more economical choice. We sell some in the studio made by our teacher, Megh!

Take breaks and listen to your body (just like you usually do in yoga :) ).

Wearing a mask will feel different at first, but just like anything, with practice it gets easier! Rest assured that you are getting the same amount of oxygen, you are just also dealing with the sensation of cloth and heat on your face. Allow yourself to pause. Get some water. Then return to your movement practice.

How to Practice Yoga in a Mask
How to Practice Yoga in a Mask

So, to summarize, the simple steps to wearing a mask in your yoga practice are

  1. find one that fits well

  2. listen to your body

It’s really that easy :)

And remember that we have amazing and interactive virtual offerings for practice as well! We welcome you with socially distanced arms in the studio, or in the comfort of your home for live streaming and pre-recorded classes! Book your in-person or virtual class now and we’ll see you soon!